Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Down With Snow!

Seriously!! I'm sooo sick of snow! Madison has a new snow record and everyone around here thinks it's time for the snow to end, and I agree!

Yes, I know, I wanted to move to a place that experienced winter and for the most part I've loved it....except for this season.

Perhaps it's because I live in a horrible apartment, with horrible parking in what seems to be the "ghetto". Or perhaps I'm just pissed because I wasn't able to get out of my parking spot this morning and had to call work for someone to come get me (Thank you Carrie & Glenn!). Meanwhile the person plowing down the center of the parking lot, sees me, more than once and doesn't bother to even offer help.

I soooo can't wait to move! It will be worth the extra money to have underground parking and nice, friendly neighbors.

If I get called off Menards tonight I'll try to get pictures and a better post up from the party this passed weekend, otherwise I'll have to wait until later this week or even this weekend :( SORRY


Michelle and Jack said...

You think you're sick of snow? I get locked in the house with kids...one of whom is embracing her terrible two's! I hear ya.

I miss the stroller and the park oh so very much.

Terri said...

This winter is your worst yet. You have been up in Portage where you didn't get as much snow in previous years. I do know what you mean. Been there, done that, that's why we're in TEXAS. Heard everyone had a great time at the party, wish that we could have been there!
mom and dad