Monday, February 04, 2008

Have to complain!

I had a pretty good weekend. Basically nothing but work, but that's okay! After work on Sunday I stopped at Adam & Amanda's to watch the rest of the Superbowl and got to say goodnight to Ava before she went to bed.

Dan & I got home around 9:30 and I put a load of laundry in and turned on my laptop. I did my usual checking of the blogs to see if there were any new posts and got to see some cute pictures of Lily, Kit & Fionn (my cousins) playing in the snow on Michelle's blog. I checked Shannon's & was excited to see she had a new post too and (here's where the complaining begins) couldn't believe what I read!! There had a been a shooting this weekend in Tinley Park!

I hadn't heard anything about it so I did a yahoo search and got the Southtown's article on it. It wasn't just a was murder!!! And not just one, FIVE! and not only that it was at a Lane Bryant in an apparently busy shopping center. According to the paper the police believe it was a botched robbery...Who the hell robs a Lane Bryant! OMG!

What is this world coming to?!?! Some idiot tries to rob a store and kills 5 people in the process. It made me sick just reading about it!

I'm very glad Shannon & the kids are okay and they were able to salvage their day in the snow.

My prayers and deepest sympathy goes out to the families and friends of everyone involved in the terrible events this weekend!

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