Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm really looking forward to another day off. It seems like every time I have one there's just so much to do that I don't get a chance to really relax & enjoy it. That's exactly what happened last Tuesday and tomorrow's forecast doesn't look much better. We're still having some issues with Reilly, which means I have to drop her off at the vet around 8am. Then there's my appt with my podiatrist to see how my left heel is shaping up & hopefully the good news that I can kick the boot to the curb. To round out the day of running around is another appt. at 3. Somehow, in between my appts, Dan has to make it over to Auntie's to hook up a new faucet in her new sink and work on building the planter boxes that we're going to use for our veggies & flowers. The patio renovation has been temporarily put on hold while the plumbing is I'm sure next Tuesday we'll tackle that job.

One great thing about the warmer weather is the opportunity for bike riding. I've been enjoying biking to and from work for the last couple weeks. Unfortunately, Dan & I haven't had a chance to ride together because of everything else going on....hmmm, maybe tomorrow we can squeeze a ride in before dinner.

Dan put in his notice at the Morton Grove Menards. He was only working every other Sunday, and it just wasn't worth the drive time & extra aggravation for the one day. He's hoping to have more time to work on the BMW and then he's also helping out a family friend at their bike shop a couple nights a week.

We're really looking forward to the summer and hopefully we'll have the patio finished so we can invite everyone over for a bbq.

So that's what is new in our neck of the woods. Maybe my next post will have more exciting goings-on (highly doubtful though) :)