Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Okay, so I figured it was about time to use this blog that I set up like 2 years ago. Here goes nuthin...

2007 is almost over and I must say it just flew by. I finished 2 more semesters of school and was supposed to graduate this month w/ an Associates from UW-Baraboo, however I apparently need 1 more humanities class to complete the requirements so it looks like I'll be taking History of Western Civilization via internet this coming semester.

Dan & I moved in together in April. Just after the move I left the resort and got a job at the new SuperTarget in Fitchburg. A month or so after that I was hired at Zimbrick European. So I've been working 2 jobs and doing the full-time student thing online.

I got the best Christmas present ever this year from Dan. He flew me to Texas to spend the holidays w/ my parents. It was a short trip but well worth it!

Dan & I will be spending our New Year's Eve w/ friends and grilling steaks...yes it's 20 degrees out right now (perfect grilling weather!) I also bought a Paraspa (the paraffin wax thing), so I think we're going to do a mani/pedi party tonight...the guys too!

I'm posting this at work, so I'm going to make this a short 1st post.

I hope everyone has a very happy and properous new year!


Sunita P. said...

Happy New Years to you too.... Not to bad for your first post in 2 years!!! Got any new years resolutions?

ohallie36 said...

Good Job cousin. I love the blog. Now I just need to hear wedding and baby bells in the future as well as the two of you moving closer to Me Your favorite cousin in Illinois.
Love to you both

Terri said...

Good first post. I hope your New Year brings you everything that you want. Are you still gonna kept you your My Space. Now I need to go in and add you to my blog, wish me luck.