Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Random Things

I keep getting tagged for this thing of Facebook, so I thought I'd put it in my blog, because I much prefer blogspot to facebook :)

So here's my 25 Random Things About Me:

1. I really miss everyone in Texas...even though I just saw a majority of my family I know that I'm missing out on soooo much!

2. I couldn't be more proud of my mom. She's truly an inspiration and I just wish I could get my rear in gear like she did.

3. I worry about dad...but there's nothing I can do from here :(

4. I'm super excited to move to Illinois, even though we're postponing it for another 6 months. The sooner we move, the sooner we'll be able to get a house and the sooner we can have kids!

5. I've eaten more Mexican food since moving to Wisconsin than I ever did living in South Texas!

6. I love when Dan cooks. Sometimes you just never know what's in the first that didn't sit well with me, but I've learned to enjoy it. He kindly makes sure to let me know now what he's put in the sauce, and we both have a lot of similar dislikes when it comes to food, so I know he'd never put anything I don't like in whatever he makes.

7. I hate packing! Every time we move we've got more and more stuff to pack. This time we're selling off a lot of the big stuff so we don't have to store it.

8. Even though I complain about having to get up for work at 6 or 7am, I know that I'm lucky to get to sleep that long...because I know once babies come along it'll be a miracle to get to sleep at all.

9. Where do my bras keep disappearing to? I have like 8 of them and when I got dressed this morning I couldn't find any of them!

10. I remember thinking my freshman year of high school "Holy cow! 4 years of this, I don't know if I can make it!" Next year will be my 10 year high school reunion. That's even scarier!

11. I miss my truck. We just bought a 2003 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab, but it's Dan' I don't really get to drive it often :(

12. I got to this point and decided it was time for bed...I'll do the remaining 13 tomorrow night!

13. I actually look forward to working weekends, because that means that we have something to do and we're not out spending money

14. I worry about certain friends....more than I should, but I can't help it.

15. I got my first (and only) Coach purse. Dan knew how much I've been wanting one and as a wedding/Christmas/birthday present he said I could pick one out. Luckily, I found one on eBay for 1/2 the price....Dan says that I'm not allowed to buy another purse for the next 30 years, but that's okay, I love the one I got! (I even found a matching wallet & coin purse at the outlet in the Dells)

16. I have about 69 more days left at "Z", and am really looking forward to leaving! I'll have a few weeks of working just the part-time job and then I'll go full-time there. I'm going to miss some of my co-workers, but I know we'll keep in touch.

17. Right after I leave "Z" Dan & I are going to Mexico for my cousin's wedding...and we are sooooo looking forward to it! We're trying to get all our traveling out of our systems now so we can hunker down and save for our house.

18. I really want a dog...but the apartment we're in doesn't allow dogs, and when we move to Illinois we'll already have the 2 cats and Dan's parents have a dog, so it'd definitely be a full house. So I have to wait for a couple more years :(

19. I'm almost done w/ the thank-you's! I think I have about 30 more! This stuff is more time consuming than I thought it'd be

20. I love to crochet! I'm working on a blanket for a co-worker and luckily I had leftover yarn from a previous project...unlucky for me that there isn't enough to finish the blanket and even more unlucky - none of the craft stores carry that yarn! So I had to order it online :(

21. I keep wondering why 60 degrees feels a heck of a lot colder up here than it ever did in Texas. It may be 4 outside, but its 60 in our apartment and I'm still freezing!

22. I seem to be the master at ruining surprises. Since we're working on our taxes Dan took all the receipts out of his wallet so we can make sure to deduct all his tool purchases from work. Well, I was picking up the wad of receipts that were scattered all over the table and noticed one for a nail place in the mall. It was a date that Dan didn't have to work and I knew he'd run some errands. So like an idiot, I asked if he'd gone to get a pedicure....No, of course he didn't! He kinda mumbled to himself and gave me "that" look, which told me I'd just ruined a surprise....yup, my Valentine's Day gift.

23. I don't know if I'm not getting enough sleep, but I've been super tired lately...I almost fell asleep at work today! I'm going to try going to bed early tonight and see how I feel in the morning.

24. My one regret from the wedding...well, not really a regret I guess, more of a wish...I wish my bouquet would have survived! I loved my flowers but they were mush by the time we got back from the honeymoon :(

25. My biggest fear is losing everyone I love and dying alone (I know, its morbid, but its true)

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A New Year

Wow! Where did the holidays go? I can't believe its January 7th already!
So New Year's Resolutions....every year I make them and usually they don't last :( But I'm hoping this year to do better!
The first, of course, is to lose weight! As if my own wedding wasn't motivation enough last year, I was too exhausted from working and planning that I couldn't find the energy to drag my butt to the gym. But this year, we have a wedding to attend in Mexico so my goal is to drop 30-40 pounds and feel a little better about myself in a bathing suit! So far so good, I weighed myself just after the 1st and again yesterday morning and I'd lost 5 pounds. Let's hope I can keep it up!
Second, sadly, is to work more. Putting more hours in at Menards means we'll be closer to being debt free and even closer to getting a house sometime in the next two years. (The up side of this is we're closer to the gym, which means we'll go more often)
Third, is to get our Thank-You's out by the end of February (but I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can finish them by the end of January). I've got 10 done so far, and I figure if I can do a couple during my lunch hour each day I should be in good shape!
Fourth, cook more. This may be a little bit of a stretch since starting next week I'll be working 3 evenings a week at Menards, and the week after it'll be 4 nights. But on Thursdays when Dan & I are both off, it'll be nice to have a hot, home cooked meal.
Fifth, keep up w/ everyone's birthdays better. Let's start with January...please correct me if I'm wrong because I'm terrible w/ dates! We have Aunt Susie on the 9th, and Denise on the 18th. Who else!? I've got to be forgetting about someone!
Sixth, spend more time with our families. Even though we had all the wedding hooplah last year, I still feel we didn't spend very much time with family. Of course, in about 4 short months we'll be up to our ears in family :) By now I'm sure everyone knows that Dan & I will be moving to Illinois and staying with his parents until we get a house. We're also planning on going to Texas for Christmas, which I'm super excited about!
I think that's about enough resolutions. If I add any more I may not get the first six accomplished!
I hope everyone has a wonderful 2009!
This will be a very interesting year!