This week was designated Sassy Shoe Week by one of my co-workers here at Z. Now, I've never been big into fact I think Dan has more than I do!
But, I didn't want to sit this festivity out, so last Friday after work I went shopping. Another thing I'm not big on is spending a lot of money on my shoes. When I lived in Texas the $3.00 flip flops at Old Navy would last me a long time (and could be worn year round :) However, now that I work in a professional environment those flip flops no longer serve a purpose. I have a few, and I'm talkin' a few, pairs of comfortable work shoes that in NO way would be classified as sassy. So I thought "out of the box" and went outside my comfort zone! (Everything I bought was on sale too!)
Take a look at our Sassy Shoes....can you pick me out?



While I have have one pair of feet, Friday's picture boasts two pairs of my shoes :)
(Co-worker wore the same pair twice and didn't want to be in the picture, so I lent her my favorite heeled sandals I keep under my desk)